About The Song

Over jaunty acoustic guitar strums, Shania Twain reflectively sings, “Am I dreamin’ or stupid? I think I’ve been hit by Cupid, but no one needs to know right now.”

While that first stanza reasonably acknowledges that something might be amiss, Twain matter-of-factly plows ahead to reveal all the plans that she’s been making regarding the future with the special someone that she’s found, which includes the intimate details of wedding plans, kids and even pets.

The only hitch is that she’s the only one who needs to know right now; the man whose compliance is necessary in order for the plans to materialize doesn’t even need to know now. And if such a presumptuous situation isn’t amusing enough to ponder already, the added layer of the secret fantasies being real enough to keep her from being lonely at night is surely enough to seal the deal.

Written by Twain and her former producer/husband, “Mutt” Lange, this is not a song manufactured by committee, but rather, an example of a pair of songwriters who created a delightfully quirky song that, incidentally, still sounds both refreshing and even organic today thanks to a compelling scenario and a crisp acoustic production.



Am I dreamin’ or stupid?
I think I’ve been hit by cupid
But no one needs to know right now
I met a tall, dark and handsome man
And I’ve been busy makin’ big plans
But no one needs to know right now
I got my heart set, my feet wet
But he don’t even know it yet
But no one needs to know right now
I’ll tell him someday some way somehow
But I’m gonna keep it a secret for now
I want bells to ring, a choir to sing
The white dress the guests the cake the car the whole darn thing
But no one needs to know right now
I’ll tell him someday some way somehow
But I’m gonna keep it a secret for now
We’ll have a little girl, a little boy
A little Benji we call Leroy
But no one needs to know right now
And I’m not lonely anymore at night
And he don’t know that only he can make it right
And I’m not lonely anymore at night
And he don’t know that only he can make it right
I’m not dreamin’ or stupid
But boy have I been hit by cupid
And no one needs to know right now
No one, no one, no one needs to know right now
No one, no one, no one needs to know oh oh right now

By yenhu

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