About The Song

From the Bottle to the Bottom by Kris Kristofferson: A Journey Through Despair and Redemption
Kris Kristofferson’s “From the Bottle to the Bottom” is a poignant ballad that delves into the depths of despair and addiction, offering a glimmer of hope for redemption. The song’s narrator, trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, paints a vivid picture of his descent into darkness, using alcohol as a crutch to numb the pain of his existence.

Kristofferson’s lyrics are raw and unflinching, capturing the desperation and hopelessness of someone who has lost their way. The opening lines, “I’ve been drinkin’ whiskey since the day I was born,” set the tone for the song’s melancholic journey, as the narrator recounts his troubled past and the emptiness that has consumed him.

The imagery throughout the song is striking, evoking a sense of desolation and despair. The narrator describes himself as being “lost in a sea of faces,” adrift in a world where he feels invisible and alone. He seeks solace in the bottom of a bottle, but finds only temporary relief from his inner turmoil.

As the song progresses, the narrator’s self-loathing intensifies. He sings of “wastin’ my life away,” his dreams and aspirations shattered by his addiction. The weight of his regrets becomes unbearable, and he contemplates ending his own life, feeling that there is no escape from his misery.

Yet, amidst the darkness, there is a flicker of hope. The narrator acknowledges that he has hit rock bottom, but he refuses to give up entirely. He recognizes the need for change, for a path towards redemption.

The song’s final lines offer a glimmer of optimism, as the narrator expresses a desire to “climb out of this hole” and “start livin’ again.” He knows that the journey will be difficult, but he is determined to break free from the chains of addiction and reclaim his life.

“From the Bottle to the Bottom” is a powerful and moving song that resonates with anyone who has struggled with addiction or despair. Kristofferson’s honest and unflinching portrayal of the human condition offers a message of hope and resilience, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of redemption.



You ask me if I’m happy now
That’s good as any joke I’ve heard
It seems that since I’ve seen you last
I done forgot the meaning of the words
If happiness is empty rooms
And drinkin’ in the afternoon
Well I suppose I’m happy as a clam
But if it’s got a thing to do
With smilin’ of forgettin’ you
Well I don’t guess that I could say I am
Did you ever see a down and outer waking up alone
Without a blanket on to keep him from the dew
When the water from the weeds has soaked the paper
He’s been puttin’ in his shoes to keep the ground from comin’ through
And his future feels as empty as the pocket in his pants
Because he’s never seen a single dream come true
That’s the way that I’ve been feelin’ since the day I started falling
From the bottle to the bottom stool by stool
Learnin’ hard to live with losin’ you
You wonder if I’m better off
With freedom now to do the things I choose
With all my times my own and
I got nothin’ left but sleepin’ time to lose
There’s no one here to carry on
If I stay out the whole night long
or give a tankerous damn if I don’t call
I’m livin’ like I wanted to
And doin’ things I want to do
And nothin’ means a thing to me at all
Did you ever see a down and outer waking up alone
Without a blanket on to keep him from the dew
When the water from the weeds has soaked the paper
He’s been puttin’ in his shoes to keep the ground from comin’ through
And his future feels as empty as the pocket in his pants
Because he’s never seen a single dream come true
That’s the way that I’ve been feelin’ since the day I started falling
Did you ever see a down and outer waking up alone
Without a blanket on to keep him from the dew
When the water from the weeds soaked the paper
He’s been puttin’ in his shoes to keep the ground from comin’ through
And his future feels as empty as the pocket in his pants
Because he’s never seen a single dream come true
That’s the way that I’ve been feelin’ since the day I started falling
From the bottle to the bottom stool by stool
Learnin’ hard to live with losin’ you

By yenhu

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